No to racism, hatespeach and right-wing extremism
We are fed up with Nazis, racists, and hate speech! We are united by nonviolent protest against agro-industry. Hatred and hostility of any kind have no place with us - including the defamation of farmers. Our alliance's strenghts lie in tolerance, solidarity and diversity - refugees are welcome!
Call to action – We are fed up! Protest on 18 January 2025
Who really profits here?
- Who profits from the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, and the degradation of fertile soils?
- Who has an interest in cheap agricultural commodities, the decline of family farms and the division of agriculture and society?
- Who profits from global injustice, food insecurity, patents and hunger?
- Who benefits when farmland is seized by investors and turned into speculative assets?
- Who profits from political instability and existential fears?
Our future is up for election!
For decades, too many politicians in Berlin and Brussels have been putting corporate interests before the common good, using our tax money to promote a harmful food system. Agricultural corporations such as Bayer-Monsanto, Tönnies and Cargill are making horrendous profits, disguising them with the false promise of feeding the world's growing population – supposedly cheap and easy. Under the guise of reducing bureaucracy, their lobby associations demand a disastrous sacrifice of climate, animal and environmental protection – instead of economic prospects for the farms, in the way farmers have been demanding for a long time.
The global consequences:
- Globally, 733 million people are affected by hunger, this is 150 million more than before the COVID-19 pandemic. One in three people in the world cannot afford a balanced diet.
- In Germany alone, more than 350,000 farms have had to close in the last 30 years – this means that the total number of farms has dropped by almost 60 percent.
- 60 percent of soils in Europe are damaged – the main culprits are the agricultural industry and the climate crisis it has fueled.
- Over 60 percent of open land animal and plant species are on the Red List of Threatened Species. Arable landscapes in particular are affected by species extinction.
We are fed up!
We demand a socially just agricultural transition in the coalition agreement!
The agro-industrial system is passing on its true costs to society. Rural, agro-ecological agriculture offers an alternative to this, for the public good. It is the basis for an environmentally friendly, fair and crisis-proof food system that can safely supply us all and future generations with healthy food – without harming animals, the environment or the climate.
We call on the next Federal Government and the EU to secure our livelihoods, social unity and a good life for people and animals, in urban and rural areas, in Germany and around the world! The agricultural transition finally needs political courage, binding laws, cost-covering prices for producers and secure financing! In the next legislative period, the agricultural transition and sustainable realignment of the European Common Agricultural Policy must have top priority.
We can win if we all stick together!
Urban and rural, organic and conventional, livestock farmers and vegans, young and old – we will not be divided! Show solidarity, come to the demonstration!
Saturday, 18.1.25 | 12 noon | Federal Chancellery | Berlin
Read more about our demands and positions in German:

No to racism, hatespeach and right-wing extremism
We are fed up with Nazis, racists, and hate speech! We are united by nonviolent protest against agro-industry. Hatred and hostility of any kind have no place with us - including the defamation of farmers. Our alliance's strenghts lie in tolerance, solidarity and diversity - refugees are welcome!